
Go Check this WEBSITE


How can we change our behaviors in FUN way?

That's the main idea of this project.

In the website you can see a lot of people are trying to use the simple(or not) way to force the targets to adjust their habits.


A lot of ideas are relate to lottery....they show the sense of humor maybe..whether is good or bad news :P

Some of the projects use interactive equipments to grab public's attention, maybe that can be the solutions for government to encourage people to announce some general idea such as save the power etc. 


I collected some project for the website that I am really interested in, check it :)


This one is the winner of Fun theory award, yeah it used tho concept of lottery to send the fine...I am not sure I will feel happy at all, but it looks fun!



This interactive project is designed for noticing people to "clean" their shoes when they get into the shop, and the music playing inside would actually be affected by that equipment. I like it!



Alright, there are more plastic bottles than glass in my country, so I am not really understand where can we recycle those glass bottles ON the sidewalk or street. This project made the recycling as a scoring game, it's quite attracted, right?


This is my favor one, I think is old one... Anyway, it shows people can really be changed by those design, and that's how designers can influence the world, right?


This one is interesting too. It uses the general sound impression to make the trash bin more ....more....deeply(sounds like). And that really works to force people to throw the garbage into the trash bin!


As I said, the ideas on this website is really cool, and I hope this activity can continue going to inspire more designers to think about how to change our world in better and happier way.




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